The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (2024)


  • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (1)
    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (2) Party kara Tsuihou Sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou ni Tsuki

      Party kara Tsuihō Sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyō ni Tsuki


      Typ: TV-Serie, 12

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 06.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Studio: Studio Elle Co., Ltd.

      Adaptiert von: Light Novel

      Staff: Kagekinoko (Original Work), Keisuke OONISHI (Direction), Yumiko MIZUNO (Character Design), Naoki TANI, Tatsuya YANO (Music)

      Ausstrahlung: Sonntag 02:00 (JST)

    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (3) The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Crunchyroll, MediaLink Entertainment Limited

    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (4) The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Crunchyroll

    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (5) The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Crunchyroll

    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (6) The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Crunchyroll

    • The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (7) The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest

      Status: Laufend

      Veröffentlicht: 05.10.2024 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Crunchyroll

    • Synonyme: The Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest


Zweihundert Jahre ist es bereits her, dass ein strahlender Held den bösen Jaryu besiegt und die Welt befriedet hat. Die Stadt Martatt hat sich in diesen friedlichen Zeiten zu einem Hotspot für Abenteurer entwickelt, die in dem noch nicht vollends erforschten örtlichen Labyrinth ihr Glück versuchen wollen. Der Heiler Raust ist einer von ihnen, aber da er bei den Kämpfen in letzter Zeit wenig beigetragen hat, wurde er von seinem einstigen Gruppenanführer aus dem Team geworfen und sucht nun nach neuen Mitstreitern. Inmitten seiner Verzweiflung begegnet ihm plötzlich die Kampfkünstlerin Narsena, die er vor einigen Jahren, als sie noch ein Kind war, gerettet hat. Obwohl er sie nicht wiedererkennt, sind ihre Gefühle für ihn so groß, dass sie ihn sofort freudig dazu einlädt, mit ihr gemeinsam eine neue Gruppe zu gründen. Als sie gemeinsam losziehen, stellt sich heraus, dass er zwar kein begnadeter Heiler ist, aber als DPS über immense Kräfte verfügt, die er seiner alten Gruppe lange vorenthalten hat …


Two hundred years have passed since a shining hero defeated the evil Jaryu and brought peace to the world. In these peaceful times, the city of Martatt has become a hotspot for adventurers who want to try their luck in the local labyrinth, which has not yet been fully explored. The healer Raust is one of them, but as he has contributed little to the battles of late, he has been kicked off the team by his former group leader and is now looking for new comrades-in-arms. Amid his despair, he suddenly meets the martial artist Narsena, whom he rescued several years ago when she was still a child. Although he doesn’t recognise her, her feelings for him are so strong that she immediately and happily invites him to form a new group. When they set out together, it turns out that although he is not exactly a talented healer, as a DPS, he has immense powers that he has long concealed from his old group …


Hauptgenres / Nebengenres / Tags

  • Actionkomödie
  • Action
  • Fantasy
  • Komödie
  • Alternative Welt
  • Magie



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  • Laust
  • Narsena
  • Armia
  • Lyra
  • Margulus
  • Saberia
  • Amherst
  • Hanzum
  • Sheila
  • Mary

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The Healer Who Was Banished from His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest (Anime) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

Last Updated:

Views: 5259

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.