World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (2025)

Shortest game of the match in terms of duration

"I am obviously up for a game with both colors but with black to get a solid draw like this, it's obviously a good result. As I said, nowadays white and black color doesn't make a huge difference. So just four more very interesting games to go." - D Gukesh on his draw with the black pieces, considering his opponent had three whites going into the last five games.

World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (1)

Calm before storm? | Photo: FIDE/EngChin An

"About this game, the quality was high. Maybe somewhere we both could have improved at some point but overall it was just a solid draw which is very normal." - D Gukesh.

Sometimes my opening stage just worked quite well. Today I also prepared a lot, hoping for some advantage out of the opening. He surprised me with 5...Bd6. I thought it might be slight advantage. - Ding Liren

Ding Liren - Gukesh: 0.5-0.5

Ding Liren opted for the London System for the second time in the match. However, this time, he deviated himself as he went 6.dxc5

World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (2)

Position after 10...Nh5

"I guess in the opening I was aware of the 5.Be2 idea but I couldn't remember the exact details. At this point, I know that Nh5 is one of the common ideas. It's also why white very often with the bishop on f4 goes h3 to not lose the bishop. I thought here 10...Nh5 was maybe possible. I had to calculate some lines. I was thinking about 11.Ne4 I wanted to go Be7 12.Bd6 Bxd6 13.Nxd6 Qe7 14.Qd2 Re8 15.Rfd1 Nf6 16.Ng5 I am just calculating now Ne5? 17.Nf5 is a nice trick. 11...Nxf4 12.Nxc5 Qe7 13.exf4 Qxc5 14.Bd3 not so pleasant for me. Bd3, Rc1 I was not too sure about this structure... I was quite relieved when he played 11.Bg5 because Be7 12.Ne4 he could have had this position with the bishop on d6 and I was going to take on d6. Once I saw 12...Nf6, I knew I should not be having any kind of trouble here." - D Gukesh on his first big thought before 10...Nh5.

"I saw this is harmless 14.Bd3 Rd8. So I didn't play this. I was hoping for 11.Bg5 Qxd1 12.Rfxd1 h6 13.Ne4 Bb6 14.Bh4 g5 15.g4 gxh4 16.gxh5 I think White isslightly better in this variation. I missed 11...Be7 actually. I thought that White had stable advantage after the exchange of bishops but that'snot the case 12.Bxe7 Qxe7 13.Nd4 maybe he can simply go back Nf6 14.Nxc6 bxc6I have Bb7." - Ding Liren on spending time after 10...Nh5. He added, after I take the knight and exchange the queens, the game goes into a drawish endgame. Maybe this is the last try - 13.Bd3 Nxe4 14.Bxe7knight cannot take on f2 Nxf2 15.Bxh7+ Kxh7 16.Qxd8 Rxd8 17.Bxd8+-."

Ding Liren vs D Gukesh, Commentary by IM Sagar Shah | Video: ChessBase India

World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (3)

Mr. Kon Yin Tong, Chair at Sport Singapore, made the ceremonial first moveof Game 10 | Photo: FIDE/Maria Emelianova

World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (4)

GM Pavel Eljanov (UKR) joined the official commentary with GM David Howell (ENG) and IM Jovanka Houska (ENG) | Photo: FIDE/Eng ChinAn

Game 10 starting moments | Video: ChessBase India

Tandem Simul with GM Anna Muzychuk and GM Alexandra Kosteniuk | Video: ChessBase India

Replay live stream

Replay FIDE World Championship 2024 Game 10 Live Commentary by IM Sagar Shah, IM Tania Sachdev and GM Vishy Anand | Video: ChessBase India


Every game starts at 5 p.m. local time, 2:30 p.m. IST. There is a rest day after every three games.

World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (5)

FIDE World Championship 2024 schedule | Photo: FIDE


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World Championship Game 10: A solid draw - ChessBase India (2025)
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